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Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Building consensus on a responsible Internet"

Not Sarkozy's rhetoric, but now agreed Obama-Cameron-speak...this week's POTUS visit to London was more a roast than a grilling...Expect the November London conference - which has no public website, naturally, as civil society will be vetted - to produce real web filtering proposals.
Twitter bought TweetDeck (which I use) for $25m this week - yup, they now have UK assets so Norwich Pharmacal orders against anonymous users will have more bite. In associated but not necessarily related news, a California case brought against Twitter by a rather murky English city council has resulted in the release of Ip numbers for a whistle-blowing councillor. Expect the use of Norwich Pharmacal to save cash by using London courts in future. Where Twitter has assets, it must be an obedient corporate citizen.
In other news, Ryan Giggs' week terminated with a victory for free expression on the football field (subject to copyright)...

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